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Monday, 21 June 2021




Famous veteran fashion photographer Bill Cunningham once said,"Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life". 

Life is tough, point black! Everyone goes through one episode or the other, and this sometimes makes living unbearable. From civil war to political jamborings, to mental wars like doubt fought in the mind we can find one thing in common, most people go through low moments in a bid to escape from the turgid reality of life. Many turn to various means; drugs, religion, work, fashion. Some of these means are unhealthy, becoming the very source of harm, and tension, but with fashion it's all positivity.

Now, you can't talk about fashion without jewelry. After man discovered precious stones such as onyx, gems, diamond, silver, gold and other precious stones thousands of years ago, these materials have been used to show affluence. It’s worn mostly by royals - kings, princes, chiefs. This is still a tradition which has seeped deeply into culture, forming the basis of royalty. 

What Does Class Feel Like?



Class is not difficult to perceive yet a lot harder to characterize. Additionally, the shortfall of class is not difficult to recognize - and a genuine blemish for any individual who tries to be effective. Class isn't an act. It's a profound situated lifestyle for the individuals who have it. Having class includes great habits, amenability, pride without showing-off, compassion, lowliness, and a bounty of discretion. Class feels like a custom made ice crusted Bay Ice Elite Watch, looking sharp on the wrist, telling time from affluence. It's also like a Bay Ice gold encrusted chain adorned on the neck like a royal mantle. 

How To Choose The Right Jewelry Store


It's impossible to overestimate the allure of jewels. Jewelry is the finest expression of love and unwavering devotion. The significance of jewelry, on the other hand, can be enhanced by its adequacy and conformity to the recipient's style and personality. Precious metals and stones have long been cherished belongings of humans, therefore it's only logical that their prices reflect this. However, that large sum of money is only worthwhile if you know you're obtaining the best possible product from a respected jeweler. Selecting jewelry is challenging, but if you don't discover the ideal store, such as Bay Ice, it can be even more difficult. Counterfeit jewelry is popular in the market, so you should be cautious about whatever store you choose. 



We know a good jewelry store by the various varieties it is able to offer. If you’re looking for 100 percent stones - watches, earrings, bracelets, chains, rings, pendants, earrings, pendants, ankle chains, sunglasses, spike prongs, bracelets, customized and sized to a perfect fit then Bay Ice should be your first choice. 


The Success Story Of Azeez Olatunji (Olly Bizzle)

Azeez Olatunji popularly known as Olly Bizzle is a Toronto based Nigerian who started his brand, Bay Ice from scratch due to his love for art and style. He Is popularly referred to by Independent Newspaper as the first Nigerian to launch a wrist watch brand in Canada. Azeez launched Bay Ice in 2018 in Toronto, Canada with the dream of making jewelry from basic materials to high end ice encrusted jewelries and it has since then become a force in the fashion industry.

Azeez 'success story began after the launch of his first watch collection (Bay Ice Elite Watch) in Canada. It was accepted world wide as the real definition of class, thereby receiving tons of sales worldwide especially amongst Nigerians who fell in love with the brand. Thousands of consumers, including celebrities such as UFC Welterweight Champion Kamoru Usman, footballer John Ogu, Nigerian music stars such as LAX, Peruzzi, DJ Enimoney, patronize and endorse the brand, stating that Bay Ice brand Azeez 'success story began after the launch of his first watch collection (Bay Ice Elite Watch) in Canada. It was accepted world wide as the real definition of class, thereby receiving tons of sales worldwide especially amongst Nigerians who fell in love with the brand. Thousands of consumers, including celebrities such as UFC Welterweight Champion Kamoru Usman, footballer John Ogu, Nigerian music stars such as LAX, Peruzzi, DJ Enimoney, patronize and endorse the brand, stating that Bay Ice brand can't get any better in the short time it's been around.


What's The Future Of Bay Ice? 

The goal of Bay Ice is to take over the style and jewelry culture around various parts of the world, from Europe to Africa as well as the rest of the globe. With this in mind, Bay Ice will be launching its physical store in Lagos Nigeria in a couple of weeks. This is done in recognition of the large demand in the region. 


The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” -Aristotle. Your style shines through in your jewelry curation therefore, luxurious fine jewelry design you can connect with is what Bay Ice brings to the table. Redefining style and bringing it to a whole new level.

Follow Olly Bizzle on Instagram @Shop Bay Ice

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